Juvenile Driver Intervention Program
The J.D.I.P. (Juvenile Driver Intervention Program) is similar to the adult remedial program. It is a 6hr intensive learning program for teenagers who receive 2 or more moving violations before their 18th birthday.
A certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the class upon passing exit test.
Next J.D.I.P. Class: By Private Appointment Next class March 23, 2025, class starts @ 9:00am-3:50pm at 12000 Snow road Suite 6 Parma, Ohio 44130 (By corner if Snow Rd and Chevrolet Blvd) Please call 216-941-6888 to pay.
Cost: $200.00 (no checks) must be pre-paid. Includes pizza for lunch.
Pro Driving School
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We accept credit cards (pay online), cash, and money orders. Sorry, no checks.
OHIO B.M.V. Reinstatement: